Poppy (Sally Hawkins) is a life-loving, irrepressibly cheerful thirty years old woman, single, and infinitely optimistic and accepting. She is a primary school teacher, who lives in London with her best friend Zoe (Alexis Zegerman). Her boundless good cheer and childlike delight make her smallest endeavors incredibly engaging. Poppy's smile is put to the ultimate test after she decides to take driving lessons, and is assigned to Scott (Eddie Marsan). Scott is a paranoid, rage-filled instructor who verbally abuses her throughout her lessons. And she have a love-affair with the social worker guiding one of her students, which ends up becoming a catalyst for her driving instructor's climactic meltdown and confrontation with Poppy. HAPPY-GO-LUCKY is whip-smart and full of surprises--just when you are certain the story is going to veer in a certain direction, director Mike Leigh gently nudges you down a different path. And you are glad of it.
Score :
Release Date :Oct 17 ,2008
Posted by Jaya at 12:04 AM