Lemon Tree (Etz Limon)

Posted by Jaya at 9:12 PM


movies-score.blogspot.com Lemon Tree (Etz Limon) posterSalma Zidane (Hiam Abbass), a 45 years old widow from a small Palestinian village in the West bank, finds herself at war with the Israeli Minister of Defense (Doron Tavory) who built his house on the green line border between Israel and the occupied Territories on the edge of Salma’s lemon grove. Soon enough the Israeli security forces claim that the grove is a threat to the safety of the minister and issue orders to uproot the lemon trees. Salma, whose son is in America and daughters live far away from her, decides to fight for her trees. Salma is joined by a young Palestinian lawyer, Ziad Daud (Ali Suliman), who fights against a wall of clever military lawyers who have the backing of the government. Salma is fighting for trees that were planted by her father over 50 years ago, trees that have absorbed blood, sweat and tears like the whole region.
On the other side of the grove, Mira Navon (Rona Lipaz-Michael), the Minister’s wife, is also undergoing a major change in her life. After fulfilling her duties for so many years, and despite the new house and her husband’s new and powerful job, she feels unhappy.
A bond is created between the two women, each of them discovering a new life ahead of them, each in her own territory, across the deep border between them.
Score :

Release Date :Apr 17, 2009