After Playstation 3 Sony is going to release Playstation 4 late this year, featuring more exclusive and advanced technology from its predecessor PS3 also extending its limit. The most demanding technology which Sony will be using in its next gen Playstation is the motion integration system with real world like Nintendo Wii. Other than that Sony will be increasing its processor capacity, making the Playstation 4 a better enhanced console in Game Technology. The Sony ps4 will be using dual core CPU or far denser Cell Processing System enabling the use of more feature rich games. The Playstation 3 came quite expensive, which is one of the reasons other consoles were sold greater that Sony PS3, so in the upcoming Sony PS4, there are greater chances that more fabricated instruments and will lessen price of its next generation console, however we will have to wait till Sony announces its release date and technical details which is scheduled to be done mid this year. Everybody will be waiting for it as it is one of the most wanted Gadgets like iPhone 4g and Verizon iPhone.